Relocation Appraisals

Life is full of change and when unforeseen circumstances or new opportunities drive you to move to a new location, Boggs & Associates will be there to help you obtain a fast, affordable appraisal of your new or your old home.

Whether you’re a relocation services company in need of a qualified appraiser, or you’re a person in a need of a local appraisal, look no further. Our professional relocation appraisers offer superior service, fast turn-around time and knowledge of the market.

We’re here to help.

Relocation Appraisals are different and more specialized than basic mortgage loan appraisals.

We must forecast what the house might be worth in the near future, whereas a typical mortgage appraisal determines the value as of the date of the appraisal. The relocation appraisal goes into a lot more detail, and in addition to analyzing past sales, also analyzes current listings that are competing with the property that is being appraised.

Often, we must complete additional forms and gather further information than that of a conventional mortgage appraisal.  Because of this, the time to complete a relocation appraisal may take a bit longer.

However, we will provide you with a high-quality relocation appraisal that meets your time frame and follows the guidelines set forth by financial institutions and employers that demand them.

Contact Boggs & Associates, Inc.

-Your Relocation Appraisal Experts

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