Posts Tagged ‘snow’

The Perfect Storm

west virginia 2015 snow

This too Shall Pass

The last few days, we’ve all endured Alaskan-like winter weather, cold enough to break pipes, render all-wheel-drive vehicles useless and cancel school and work for many.

At Boggs & Associates, Inc., we try to stay optimistic.  We’re hoping Spring comes soon.

Not only will March, April and May bring with them warmer weather, grass and flowers, but these three months are predicted to shower us with a stronger-than-ever housing market.

During the past few weeks, we’ve uncovered various trends, results and data that backs up our West Virginia Real Estate theories.

Storms are Temporary

Yes, we realize we’re not out of the snow yet.  It is currently Wednesday morning and snow is blowing outside our office window, peppering the frozen roadways with a slippery blanket of white.  The sun is still hiding behind grey clouds.

Meteorologists predict sub-zero temperatures and more snow this week.

However, storms never last forever.

We believe the sun will soon kill the winter and light the path to a housing market revival unlike anything West Virginia has seen during the past decade.  Not to mention all the eager, cabin-fever-laden buyers and sellers just itching to jump into the housing market at the perfect time.

Always a Rainbow After the Storm

Realtors across West Virginia are preparing for a buyer/seller surge in the next few months.  Emphasis on strong marketing and heavy-hitting listings are becoming reality for many successful real estate companies.

To say we’re excited for Spring is an understatement.

Low mortgage rates, better employment rates, renewed homeownership pride and low gas prices are just a few ingredients making up a recipe for success.

The confidence remains “consistent with a modest, ongoing recovery,” said David Crowe, NAHB chief economist. “Solid job growth, affordable home prices and historically low mortgage rates should help unleash growing pent-up demand and keep the housing market moving forward in the year ahead.”

Overcoming the Storm

To effectively overcome any storm, one must know his adversary and how to prepare.  As real estate and banking professionals, our livelihood depends on this very fact.

The sun should soon shine its face on the real estate market.

Ask yourself:

  •  “What I am doing to prepare for and ensure victory?”
  • “Am I watching TV and drinking a hot chocolate or am I studying the market, anticipating the desires sellers and buyers will pursue?”
  • “Am I building an effective marketing strategy that caters to my potential Spring clients or am I just hoping the same old strategy brings them to me by fortunate coincidence?”
  • “If I work to supply for my family, is my work effective enough now to prepare for success in Spring?”

What you do now, will greatly impact the results you receive later.  Spring is coming, my friends.

Are you ready?

By Charles Boggs, Jr.
Owner, Boggs & Associates, Inc.

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